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Aftercare Instructions



- Once you are home, splash your eyes with water and wash off any pigment residue. Pat dry gently with a clean paper towel.

- Wash the skin around the eyes twice daily (morning and night) using a gentle, unscented soap, or provided soap. Use your fingertips to cleanse gently, and pat dry with a paper towel.

- Apply ointment 2-3 times a day for up to 7 days for thick eyeliner (OMIT FOR LASH LINE)

- Scabs will take about 7-10 days to peel off. Do not pick the scabs or peel them off prematurely.

- Swelling and redness is normal the first few days, it is normal to feel like your eyes are heavy and to experience stinging.

- The colour will fade approximately 30-50% lighter when the scabs fall off. This is completely normal. Do not feel discouraged if the fading is more than you expected. To achieve the perfect eyeliner, we need to see how your skin accepts the initial application and a touch-up appointment is where we will perfect the shape and colour.

- No eye makeup is allowed until the scabs completely fall off.

- Avoid sweaty exercises such as hot saunas, hot yoga, and swimming until the scabs have completely fallen off.



- The eyeliner will start to form scabs and they might look dark and thick. As the skin heals, the scabs will fall off in random pieces and it might look patchy.

- Flaking and crusting on the tattoo area may occur.

- Avoid pulling off the scabs that are dried on the lashes.

-If you try to pull off the scabs that are hanging on your lashes, ensure the scabs are soft enough to slide off from the lashes.



-Swelling occurs up to 3 days after the procedure, especially in the morning.

-Exercising the eyes can help reduce swelling and puffiness. Try blinking actively for 2 minutes in the morning.

-To relieve swelling, you can ice the area with a soft gel ice pack.




* Redness, swelling and peeling are common side effects. If you are concerned about the amount of swelling or redness, or if you experience a fever, hives, or discharge, seek medical attention.


-Do not do anything to your face for 12 hours. After 12 hours, wash your face gently with the provided cleanser. Apply a gentle moisturizer. Repeat in 12 hours.

-Do not apply makeup for a minimum of 24 hours, 72 hours is recommended. Do not apply makeup with brushes for one week,

-Avoid intense exercise, swimming, and saunas for 72 hours. Avoid products containing harsh chemicals, scents, toners, exfoliators, Retinol A and Vitamin C for 72 hours.

-Avoid direct sunlight for 1-2 weeks.




Camouflage Tattoo Aftercare:

- No soap, shampoo, cleansers, or cosmetics on the pigmentation site for one week

- Apply a thin layer of provided ointment 2-3 times per day for one week

- No swimming, saunas, or intense exercise for 1-2 weeks

- Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight

- No rubbing or picking the area


* It is normal for the treated area to appear red/swollen in the first few days after treatment. The area may also be tender, and you may feel a bit more tired than usual. These symptoms will gradually subside, but please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. If you experience excessive swelling or signs of an allergic reaction, consult with a doctor immediately.

* 20% - 50% of the pigment will fade off during the first 1-2 weeks of healing, this is normal.

* If you have a Tegaderm bandage on the area you can safely leave this bandage on for up to one week. No water activities wearing Tegaderm bandages



Correct aftercare is necessary to achieve the best results. Please read the instructions below and refer to them as necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Remember, the healing process is not a final result - the final result of colour retention will be visible around 4-6 weeks after your treatment.

For the first 3-5 days you might have some of the following symptoms:

• Minor swelling and redness

• Mild tenderness

• Swelling

• Asymmetry due to swelling

• Itchiness in the lips area

• Dry flaking skin

• Mild headache

For at least 7 days, avoid:

• Makeup applied close to your lips

• Exercise or other activities that would make you sweat

• Steamy hot showers or baths

• Splashing water on your face

• Kissing

• Touching food and fluids with lip tissue - where possible (ie. Use a straw when drinking, don't bite into a sandwich, cut it into pieces with a knife and fork)

Please avoid for at least 2 weeks:

• Spray tans • Sunbeds, sunbathing and direct sunshine

• Swimming pools, sauna, Jacuzzis, chlorinated water, and salt water

• Beauty treatments near your lips such as waxing, electrolysis and laser hair removal

• Direct shower spray

Do not get your lips wet (aside from cleansing) until they have fully healed, and the scabs have fallen off. If your lips do get wet, pat them dry with a clean tissue and reapply the provided aftercare product. Your lips should be kept clean and moisturised with a suitable product, such as the aftercare we provide. DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR RUB your enhancement. Doing so risks the colour healing unevenly. The scabs must be allowed to flake away by themselves. A further risk of picking is infection, which could lead to scarring.

Daily care to follow for 7 days:

• Gently cleanse your lips with damp cotton pads and pat them dry with a clean tissue 2-3 times a day.

• Apply the aftercare product a minimum of 3 times a day – after every cleanse and in between if needed. Continue using the aftercare product or a gentle moisturiser for a couple of weeks to reduce sensitivity and avoid them drying out.

• Wash your hands before touching your lips.

• Keep your hair away from your lips to prevent the possibility of infection

Remember, your lips will be strongly coloured and sharply defined for 3 – 7 days after your appointment. As they heal, the colour will soften into a subtle shade. The approximate healing period is 7 days, but healing can be prolonged if your immune system is compromised. Stress, poor diet, and failure to follow the aftercare guidance can all contribute to poor healing. Keep in mind that unevenness of colour is to be expected. This is the purpose of the touch-up, allowing us to fine-tune your enhancement. You must come back for your first touch-up between 6 and 12 weeks after your initial appointment. If it’s been longer than 12 weeks you will be charged additional, and booking this appointment is your responsibility. Top-ups are not provided with colour boost appointments. Everyone retains pigment differently, and it’s difficult to determine how long your treatment will last. Some skin types retain pigment well and the colour stays looking fresh for a year. Others have skin that naturally rejuvenates at a quicker rate, therefore the pigment fades faster. Use a good sunscreen – sun exposure will fade your micropigmentation enhancement. If you are planning a chemical peel, laser procedure or an MRI scan, please inform the technician of your micro-pigmentation enhancement.

Thank you for choosing Highbrow Clinic






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